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Writing and Reading

Sean Smith

Yes, yes, another busy last several weeks, but dont't want to lose whatever tenuous connection I might have with the blogosphere, so here are some things I've written recently: •Two legendary Irish fiddlers, Frankie Gavin and Kevin Burke, came to my neck of the woods in the space of a week. Naturally, I went to go hear them -- and got to have conversations with both of them in the bargain. BostonIrish

•Sometimes, I write about recently released albums. In this column, I offer some thoughts on "In Memory of Paddy Fahey" by the Kane Sisters and the debut recording by Erin Ruth. BostonIrish

•Claire Connolly, a University College Cork professor and a visiting chair at Boston College for the 2023-24 academic year, has a quite fascinating mix of scholarly interests. Boston College Chronicle

•What if you could talk in real time with someone at an internally-displaced persons camp in Iraqi Kurdistan or a refugee settlement in Bangladesh. Or with people working on sustainability issues in Barbados and other parts of the world? Boston College Chronicle

•R. Shep Melnick, the O'Neill Professor of American Politics, says the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision paving the way for school desegration was a great moment in American history. And a missed opportunity. Boston College Chronicle

•Conevery Bolton Valencius is a history professor. So why is she researching the link between earthquakes and oil/gas extraction? Boston College Chronicle

...and some of the stuff I've read of late:

•The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen

•Democracy Awakening: Notes on the State of America, Heather Cox Richardson

•This Republic of Suffering, Drew Gilpin Faust

•Secrets in a House Divided, Clara Silverstein

•To Fall in Love Drink This, Alice Feiring

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