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Where Have I Been All the Day?

I know, I know -- I haven't written, haven't called, I've failed to live up to my blogging obligations.

I will say that the last several weeks have been tough, for a combination of personal/familial reasons but also global and national events I suspect have affected a lot of us.

I've also just been doing a helluva lot of writing, not just my M-F/9-5 job but related to my part-time freelance work. And, oh yeah, there's that book thing, too. Not an excuse for neglecting Above the Fold, perhaps, but an explanation at least. All right, here's some of what's been going on:

•As as you can see in that photo up top, I presented a reading and discussion of Transformation Summer last month at Boston College, thanks to the Irish Studies Program and Office of University Communications. There was a small, friendly and supportive audience, and they asked some good, thoughtful questions. On top of that, a couple of writers from the BC's student newspaper were on hand, and after the event they interviewed me for several minutes -- here's the story. It was a thoroughly pleasant way to wrap up the week.

•Also got a mention in the recent edition of Boston College Magazine:

•Part of my work sometimes involves doing obituaries, a type of writing which over the years I have come to respect greatly. There's both an art and a purposefulness to them, and I strive for both, depending to some extent on what sort of biographical material I have to work with.

Early last month, my friend Brian O'Donovan died. If you didn't know Brian, suffice it to say he was a towering figure in Boston's Celtic music community for years, as host of a popular radio show, organizer and emcee of numerous events, and overall, somebody who could make stuff happen – and in so doing, support the musicians, singers, dancers, and others who enjoyed folk and traditional music. I knew I had to write something, but rather than an obituary (there'd been a couple of them already) I opted for an appreciation, mainly because there was a personal dimension I felt I needed to convey. This is what I ended up writing. It could've easily been several hundred words longer.

I promise I'll try and do better about staying in touch. Keep well, and remember:

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